The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and its affiliated unions are participating in a nationwide strike to protest socio-economic issues affecting South African employees.
- The strike addresses concerns such as attacks on collective bargaining, high-interest rates, unemployment, crime and corruption, energy and water crises, gender-based violence, and the Municipal System Act.
- COSATU has offered various solutions to the government to address these issues, including raising the SRD Grant, extending the Presidential Employment Stimulus, implementing pension reforms, and allocating resources for public infrastructure programs and law enforcement.
- Protests will involve marches, delivery of memorandums, and demonstrations at various locations, targeting government offices, Transnet, and PRASA in opposition to rail sector privatization.
- ActionSA has criticized the protest, arguing that COSATU is essentially protesting against itself as a member of the Tripartite Alliance and with its leaders occupying key positions in government.